1. A quaint schoolhouse. A playground. A deserted high school hallway. All fabulous ways to bring a classic school vibe to your engagement session or wedding day portraits. And great photography never hurts, like the following gems by Dave & Charlotte, Dan Chen (found via Cake & Pictures), and Snaptacular Photos.

2. Can a school bus serve as a chic wedding day mode of transportation? For those of us with too many memories of riding the big yellow monsters to school, we're probably collectively answering no. But after looking at the photos below, you might change your mind. We know we did.

3.This next concept could work into a school themed affair and an aviation one alike: paper airplanes! The save-the-dates might look familiar as they're from Martha (only one name needed), the centerpiece was spotted on the Weddingbee boards, and the zippered pouch (maybe could be part of a bridal party gift?) is from Etsy seller MontclairMade.

4. Here are a few items that are totally classroom inspired, but also completely functional as additions to a reception space. First, we have an oversized paper clip note holder from Etsy seller bouquet that would be an attractive way to present table numbers.

Next up, mini apple candles (did anyone reading this blog ever actually give an apple to a teacher...?) that could also be used as escort cards. These also would work nicely into a Fall scheme.

Finally, check out these centerpieces from Country Living that mix florals with colored pencils. The colors shown might work better for a bridesmaids' luncheon or bridal shower, but you could play with the colors to work within your chosen scheme.

5. Fortune tellers. Cootie catchers. There are a few names out there for the fun little game we all used to play as kids. And there are also many resources available to incorporate these into your very grown-up wedding. Nonpareil has a template to turn these into save-the-dates, and Ruffled has a downloadable menu option. Ah, memories.

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