CBS's How I Met Your Mother: Somewhere along the way, the writers of HIMYM transformed Ted from a functioning member of society with just a twinge of goofball in him into a full blown weirdo whom you wouldn't want to be stuck with in an elevator. In other words, he's been "Screeched."** I usually find it unbearable to watch Ted stoylines, but this week was easier than most. Maybe Ted should "eat a sandwich" every episode?

**You see, in Saved By The Bell, Screech was a loveable, smart geek who didn't totally fit in with his cooler group of friends but you sort of believed that they'd let him tag along. But then all of a sudden in Saved By The Bell: The New Class, Screech re-emerged as a bumbling buffoon who spoke strictly in cartoonish voices and got sidetracked with life's simplest problems. Same name, same actor, but essentially two totally different characters.
Fox's New Girl: I have long been a Zooey D. hater, but this show has turned me into a fan. This week's episode, featuring Stuckeyville's own Justin Long, had me in tears of laughter at one point. I wish I hadn't erased it from the DVR so I could watch it again.

NBC's Parenthood: Little Sydney, thanks for making me feel inferior with your apparent chess skills at the impressive age of...what? 6? 7? I would've totally started pulling out checkers moves if tested to a match. Despite all this, I'm still 100% confident that I would reign victorious in a game of Candyland.

ABC's Revenge: Declan

I like these Saturday posts. And New Girl was extremely good this week. Warren Cheswick!
ReplyDeleteI heart New Girl and Parenthood. I'm completely hooked. I think Zooey D. plays Jess perfectly. And sometimes I'm disturbed by how close her behavior is to some of my own. It's not normal to sing-talk things? Who knew? Lol